My Favourite Lush Bath Product Right Now

 The Comforter - Bubble Bar

It's no secret that I love Lush products. They make me feel all fuzzy and warm, make my skin happy and comforted, and I don't have to feel indulgently guilty about animals living in pain just so I can feel good. I just wanted to share my favourite product from Lush right now, and that is their Comforter Bubble Bar.

I've only recently started using this product, I love using their bath bombs as a little treat, but after throwing a good few into their cute wicker shopping baskets, it adds up to a fair bit. Now I'm not complaining about Lush's slightly high prices, because I'm more than happy to pay more for a product that deliveries, is cruelty free, kind to the environment, demonstrates ethical buying etc etc; but the fact of the matter is that it does end up costing me a fair amount of money for bath bombs that frankly I'm going to get one use out of. This particular Bubble Bar I love because I can get roughly about 4 uses out of it by breaking a small amount off each time as it's fairly big, and a small amount will give you a fair amount of bubbles.

They do a few other Bubble Bars this size, including 'Brightside', 'Granny Takes A Dip', and a new one called 'Blue Skies And Fluffy Clouds' which sounds lovely! They're slightly more expensive than Lush's bath bombs but because you definitely wouldn't want to put a whole one of these over sized Bubble Bars in your bath (unless you want to be wading through your whole bathroom trying to find your bath because bubbles will be taking over everything) you're definitely getting your monies worth!

The Comforter may be the only Bubble Bar I've tried so far, however I've repurchased this particular one about 3 times now because I adore the smell, seriously it smells so nice and fruity, with a distinctive scent of blackcurrant, while bergamot adds an uplifting note, according to their description on their website, and it turns your bath water a lovely pink colour so what more could I want?! I like the smell of Brightside in the shop but I usually bath at night, so I don't really want my senses awaken by citrus-y smells in the evening, I have enough trouble sleeping as it is. My next one I'm going to try is definitely Granny Takes A Dip, and I'm very intrigued to try Blue Skies.. because it sounds like a good night time luxury.

What is everyone else's favourites? Comment below if you've used Blue Skies And Fluffy Clouds because I'd love to know what you thought about it!


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