Your Christmas Yearly Reminder
The holidays are a very stressful time. When Christmas Day comes around (or which ever holidays you celebrate, it applies to everything!) when the actual day arrives all the stress is usually worth it. But when you have health problems, sometimes big events are just the bane of your life, and when the day rolls around you've run yourself into the ground physically and mentally which means a lot of the stress you had to endure was definitely not worth it and now you're unable to enjoy the special day. Sound familiar?
We've all been there! And hey, there is nothing wrong with that, you shouldn't feel silly for trying to do more than you're possibly capable of, but I think as chronic illness sufferers, we have just as much of a right of enjoy these special days and events as much as everyone else! And if that means you have to be selfish and not partake in certain activities to the run up to the holidays, then you do that. Make sure you pace yourself, I find planning ahead and planning my days really help me pace out my tasks and activities, and I do this all year round; but it's a life saver when big events come along!
This is the first year I'm not living at home, so this is mine and my boyfriend's first Christmas tree! Christmas feels even more special this year so I really wanted to share this gentle reminder with everyone else who also has the same set backs and issues.
I hope everyone has happy holidays and a Happy New Year!
We've all been there! And hey, there is nothing wrong with that, you shouldn't feel silly for trying to do more than you're possibly capable of, but I think as chronic illness sufferers, we have just as much of a right of enjoy these special days and events as much as everyone else! And if that means you have to be selfish and not partake in certain activities to the run up to the holidays, then you do that. Make sure you pace yourself, I find planning ahead and planning my days really help me pace out my tasks and activities, and I do this all year round; but it's a life saver when big events come along!
Clintons Collection Black Foliage Wrapping Paper
This year is a time for giving, so you should give yourself the gift of being able to enjoy at least parts of the holidays, and I'm sure other people around you will view this as a gift for them as well because your loved ones will love to see you not suffering even more on Christmas Day/the holidays than needs be.I hope everyone has happy holidays and a Happy New Year!
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