Positivity: We're Not Alone!
The past 3 weeks, on a Thursday, I've been attending Pain Management courses in Brighton, and I wanted to write a post on it because I had no idea I would enjoy it as much as I did! My fibromyalgia nurse was the one who suggested I attended the course, which was one every Thursday for 3 weeks. At first I told her I thought it would be far too difficult to get down there because I live over 40 miles away, and my nurse told me it was a lot more helpful to attend every session and not just go to one. Long story short, my condition deteriorated and I realised that Pain Management could be very beneficial and I decided to make it a top priority to arrange to go.
Each week they had a well being practitioner there running the course and then 3 different people each week depending on what that particular session was about. So first week my fibromyalgia nurse was there, which I think was great because I could imagine like me, everyone else that came was very nervous about meeting new people so it was great that everyone had met the nurse before. The first session was an introduction to the course, talking about what self-management is and explaining what fibromyalgia is and how it effects our lives. We did some group work, which was nice because we all eventually came together and spent a lot more time chatting to one another, a lot more time than the facilitators thought we would! I can't express how amazing it was to meet 18 people who all had fibromyalgia and knew exactly what each of us were going through. What I loved the most about our group was that there was a big range of age groups there as I was very worried I'd be the only young patient in attendance! After the first session I knew the travelling was so worth it and I was very excited to go next week.
The second week we had a occupational nurse facilitating the session with the same well being practitioner as before. I think this was my favourite session because we discussed pacing ourselves and pain management, and everyone was sharing different things they do to help their fibro, we did some smart goal/task setting and action planning, and I got to speak to the occupational nurse about improve my mobility to try and not need to use my wheelchair as much, and she was so helpful and completely non judgemental, which I appreciated so much!
The third week we had the same well being practitioner again, but this time we had a senior physiotherapist with us to talk about gentle exercise and activity, which was helpful. I think this last session was more about us all joining up together one last time and having a bit of a giggle and catch up. I was genuinely so sad I wouldn't be coming back again next week because I loved everyone I'd met and made a special bond with. Of course we all wrote down our contact info and one of the girls is going to create a Facebook group so we can keep in contact. The whole point of pain management is to learn how to manage your pain and improve your life, but I think the greatest thing I learnt is how life changing it was to meet quite a large group of people who all had the same condition, had been through all the same, if not very similar situations and we all had such an understanding and loving connection going on, in a completely non judgmental environment.
Pain Management is the best thing I've been offered since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I urge everyone to get in contact with your specialists and see if they do similar things in your area. You won't regret it!
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