Why I gave up blogging for the millionth time..
I could make this blog post super short; why I stopped blogging? Declining health.
There we go, done! My health just kept decline and I just didn't really feel like talking about it. I had to give up the insulin pump because of my severe fibromyalgia, we started having issues with our estate agents where we lived and I was getting no where with the support and help I wanted from health care officials. But almost a year on, even though my health is still declining, my partner and I are settled in our own home so I have the time to concentrate on my health. So a quick update:
I'm really happy I found the umff to write this blog post! Yesterday was a bad day for me but today was definitely a new day because I managed to dust upstairs and I book a well overdue haircut (I have quite bad phone anxiety and also getting my haircut is pretty taxing on my body so this is a big win in my books) and now I've written this post so I'm feeling very productive; I definitely need a rest now and hopefully I can proof read this post later or tomorrow; pacing is needed!
There we go, done! My health just kept decline and I just didn't really feel like talking about it. I had to give up the insulin pump because of my severe fibromyalgia, we started having issues with our estate agents where we lived and I was getting no where with the support and help I wanted from health care officials. But almost a year on, even though my health is still declining, my partner and I are settled in our own home so I have the time to concentrate on my health. So a quick update:
- My diabetes has been troublesome: myself and my diabetes management team can't seem to figure out what the issue is so I am awaiting a free trail of the Freestyle Libre continuous blood glucose system.
- The fibromyalgia has been declining and I was told I would be the perfect candidate for a specialised fibromyalgia inpatient program which is based in Bath. I am not well enough to travel all that way but was told they actually had a program an hour away from me but was then told two weeks later it had been shut down due to government funding. My neurological symptoms in particularly have been on a massive decrease in the last few months and it's very hard to deal with. They offered me a six week pain management course but after a one on one meeting with the doctor running the course we could both see that it would be a massive increase in activity in 6 weeks so I am also not well enough for that either.
- I did six appointments with a physiotherapist and actually really enjoyed it! I was very lucky to have a physiotherapist who knew a great deal about fibromyalgia (I've seen a lot of different stories of physiotherapists making fibro patients a lot worse) and we did improve some of my muscle weakness.
- My possible PoTs symptoms have become one of the biggest issues; the dizziness and inability to be on my feet for any longer than a couple of minutes stopped me progressing further in my mobility rehabilitation in physiotherapy. The doctor who runs the pain management program is going to see if she can try and help me get a tilt table test.. we'll see how that panes out.
- I have become severely allergic to pollen. I have to wear a Vogmask outside, I carry an Epi pen around with me and I have an inhaler to help me with the severe coughing fits. This problem also attacks my eyes as well, with barely any prescription drops stopping my eyes from burning 24/7 even when I'm inside. I have an appointment with a hospital Allergist 29th June.
Fibromyalgia is always depicted as an illness which can be deliberating but most people can still work, do their hobbies or live their normal lives with just a few small adjustments but not for me. There are so many people who suffer as bad as me, if not worse but we are not in that stereotype. I feel like we are so under represented and it's not fair. I thought for so long there must of been something a lot more seriously wrong with me because I had never come across someone who suffered as severely and seriously as I do. And that's why I started this blog and I think that's why I want to start actively blogging again when I can.
Writing this post has been very tough for me to do because of severe brain fog and other cognitive issues I experience; it makes activities like this very hard. Interacting with people in real life can be extremely difficult as well and it just feels like people are talking to me in a different language. Fibromyalgia affects nearly every part of my body and I find it very hard to deal with but it also weird to me that no one seems to know anything about it; even medical professionals.

I'm really happy I found the umff to write this blog post! Yesterday was a bad day for me but today was definitely a new day because I managed to dust upstairs and I book a well overdue haircut (I have quite bad phone anxiety and also getting my haircut is pretty taxing on my body so this is a big win in my books) and now I've written this post so I'm feeling very productive; I definitely need a rest now and hopefully I can proof read this post later or tomorrow; pacing is needed!
I hope I can keep this blog more up to date on a regular basis so I can share my day to day life with chronic illnesses and healthcare updates. See you soon!
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